Thursday, January 31, 2008

2nd Gallon of Tea

Episode #2 went very well. We welcomed 'T-Dogg' to the show, and his new digs... the "T-Dogg Kennel". This area of the set features a porch area for him to enjoy the show, and a studio apartment in the back, for those nights when he needs a place to crash.

We were also happy to feature rosalee motor revial's music video for 'making list' as part of the show provided by Dean Wellman.

Our featured guests were Amanda and Annie from the Young Professionals Network. Please visit their website for more information on how you can get involved. (link on side bar)

Next week we are gearing up for valentine's day, featuring T-Dogg's Top 'Ten Places in Muscatine to Meet Chics' rundown. If you don't have a date for Vday yet, you will want to tune in and learn from the master himself. Special guests include promoters of the 'Relay for Life' Cancer fundraiser, and singing valentine's from the heartland harmony barbershop quartet.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Episode #2

For Episode #2 we have the "Muscatine Young Professionals Network" as our special guests. They are a newer group in Muscatine that help promote achievement, friendships and a better local experience for career-minded individuals under 40.

We are also going to welcome 'T-Dogg' to the show. He is our new field correspondent, and will be hanging out in his 'dogg kennel' just off to the side of the main stage. His unique perspective on all things muscatine will give the show that slightly off-balanced feeling, similar to what me and chad y have after downing a gallon of Tea.

THIS JUST IN! Dean Wellman has supplied the show with Music Videos from his "Exploration Iowa" project. We will feature one per episode, usually at the end of the show. He has covered dozens of regional artists, and his talent, as well as the musicians he showcases will be a great addition to the show's lineup. Thanks Dean.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Chad skYbox

What do you think of Muskie Football coach Brian Sauser leaving the Muskies and going to coach 2008 at Iowa City West?

If this happens, I hope we get a coach that can rally the kids and continue the Muskie's status as a top contender in the MAC. There's alot of talent on this 2008 Muskie team!

In my opinion Sauser has done a lot to make the Muskie's one of the more feared teams in the state of Iowa. I believe Coach Sauser will have his spot in the Muskie Hall of Fame.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

First Gallon of Tea is down the hatch

Ok, we successfully launched the new season, today at 10am LIVE on channel nine. If you missed it, the re-broadcasts are Fri-Sat-Sun at 10am, 3pm & 8pm. Please feel free to leave comments under this blog regarding questions, opinions, topic ideas etc. Feel free to join us LIVE every Thursday at 10am at the MCC TV Theater at 62 Larson Hall. Maybe you want to be on the show? Let us know. We are also looking for a Field Correspondent to do interviews of current event issues, and a 'T-Time' Mascot. We are hoping the Mascot will be under 5 feet tall.

We visited with Marie Press and talked about the Pearl City Players. This is a new group that produces drama productions and mentors those new to the art of theater. They are looking for actors, set designers, customers, directors, etc. Maybe you can get involved. Also, Muscatine! The Musical DVD's are on sale, more info to come, but contact Marie Press for info.

The NEW MUSCATINE ZOO? Monkeys, birds, snakes, elephants, oh yeah...oops, they are going to be bushes, not the real deal. Still I think that is a great idea, and the expense of running an actual Zoo would be a big undertaking. If you don't do it right, the animals suffer, and the monkey's will be flinging more of therir dissatisfaction at the visitors. So, yes, a garden that features bush's in the forms of zoo animals, why not. It will make a great park even better. And the expense of keeping bushes trimmed isn't nearly what it would be to feed and care for live animals. What do you think?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Get out you Tea cups... It's Time

Ok, Thursday the 23rd at 10am is the LIVE broadcast of the debut of Musca-T-Time. We have Marie Press as a guest and will talk about the proposed Zoo at Weed Park. After the show I will post a show report, that you can use to comment if you didn't get through on the phonelines, or prefer to use the internet to interact with the show. Also, feel free to email questions, or topic ideas to my work e-mail,

Friday, January 11, 2008

Welcome to the 2008 Season

Well, here we go again, but this time we are a little more focused and determined to not only entertain but inform and educate viewers of MPW Cable about Muscatine specific issues and topics. We will be airing at LIVE at 10am on Thursdays starting January 24th. We will have a weekly 'hot topic', guests as well as a rundown of local current events.

As always, you will be invited to participate!!! New this season, you have more options to become a part of the show. You can either call-in to the LIVE broadcast, post comments and vote on this blog, or be a member of the studio audience. The studio has doubled in size, so there is room for an audience. And, if you are brave, you can even have some of the infamous 'Tea' that me and Chad Yocom have been swilling on throughout the years of producing this show.

This just in!!! Musca-Bus will be offering a FREE SHUTTLE ride from City Hall at 9:45am. So hop in the 'T-Time Shuttle' and be a member of the studio audience.

Also - Dean Wellman has agreed to supply us with music videos from his 'Exploration Iowa' archives. We will feature one music video from a local artist each week.

Thanks for watching and check back to this site often for editorials, polls and contests, and don't forget to get involved by commenting to the posts.