Ok, we successfully launched the new season, today at 10am LIVE on channel nine. If you missed it, the re-broadcasts are Fri-Sat-Sun at 10am, 3pm & 8pm. Please feel free to leave comments under this blog regarding questions, opinions, topic ideas etc. Feel free to join us LIVE every Thursday at 10am at the MCC TV Theater at 62 Larson Hall. Maybe you want to be on the show? Let us know. We are also looking for a Field Correspondent to do interviews of current event issues, and a 'T-Time' Mascot. We are hoping the Mascot will be under 5 feet tall.
We visited with Marie Press and talked about the Pearl City Players. This is a new group that produces drama productions and mentors those new to the art of theater. They are looking for actors, set designers, customers, directors, etc. Maybe you can get involved. Also, Muscatine! The Musical DVD's are on sale, more info to come, but contact Marie Press for info.
The NEW MUSCATINE ZOO? Monkeys, birds, snakes, elephants, oh yeah...oops, they are going to be bushes, not the real deal. Still I think that is a great idea, and the expense of running an actual Zoo would be a big undertaking. If you don't do it right, the animals suffer, and the monkey's will be flinging more of therir dissatisfaction at the visitors. So, yes, a garden that features bush's in the forms of zoo animals, why not. It will make a great park even better. And the expense of keeping bushes trimmed isn't nearly what it would be to feed and care for live animals. What do you think?