Thursday, May 29, 2008

T-Time to Go LATE NIGHT!!!

Today we talked about Great River Days and it's search for a new group to organize it in 2009. We also reviewed some of the bike racing that occured in the area over the memorial day holiday.

Nancy Shell was the guest and she is having a special fun - run fundraiser for breast cancer research on june 29th at the discovery center park. This is a 9.3 mile run with a $10 donation. It starts at 8am. Show up, get in shape and support a good cause.

Also, starting in July, we will temporarily move the show to 9:30pm on thursday nights, to give you viewers a chance to call in. Yes, this prime time slot means people will actually be at home and able to watch the show, call in and get involved in our rants. Also, the later time allows for more 'adult' content.

thanks for watching.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Hooking Up in Small Town America

This week's show didn't feature any guests, so that freed me up to present a lecture on 'hooking up in small town america'. Essentially, I strive to help single men throughout our local community find that special someone to share their lives with.

- Confidence is key, she isn't any better than you, and there are dozens of other pretty girls just like her. If she isn't interested, on to the next one.

- Don't try and meet women at bars, meet them where you are (hence, try and BE at as many places as possible

- Have a PASSION and let others know about it. Get involved, and things will start to go your way.

-Spread the Love. Say 'Hi' and smile, make the world a better place while potentially hooking up.

Next week, Nancy Shell and Muscatine Running Friends are on the show. Thanks for watching.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Call - In Episode - "hookin up in small town america"

Last week's episode featured a representative from Bandag and the Musc. History Museum who discussed the 50th anniversary of Bandag and the new exhibit at the museum.

We tried to get some floorspace for our video production company to showcase it's rich history, and it seems like Melanie gave us the green light to use some space down in the basement next to the broom closet.

Since we don't have any specific guests this thursday, we will open up the phone lines. I will be giving my master's thesis dissertation: "Hooking up in small town america", so feel free to call in to take advantage of my expertise in the area of interpersonal relations.

Other than that we will see what topics come up. Sure, not to many people are actually watching tv at 10am on a thursday, so the calls are a little sparse, but me and yocom can chat it up with or without viewer interaction.

Speaking of that, yocom has the lead on a female hippie chic to replace the t-dogg as our third-party perspective co-host. I do like the hippie chics, yes, indeed. Daily showering is overated and bad for the environment.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Episode Recap

Our 15th episode of the 2008 season turned out to be very informative.

We delved into local politics by hosting another sheriff candidate, Frank Draper.

Later in the episode Gail Van Heck and Kim Hatfield were guests as they discussed this year's Cancer Relay For Life. Cancer never sleeps, so why should you? Join the fun Friday May 16th at the MHS stadium.

Want to be a guest? Let us know why you think you are SO special.

T-Dogg is MIA, so also looking for a replacement. Your responsibility would be to sit quietly along the side of the set, and speak when spoken too. Your comments should be slightly offensive. Inquire within.

Friday, May 2, 2008

CYWA rastlin

Thursday's episode was hosted by Chad Yocom of CYWA, and guests were 'chief' and the prodigy of MXWA. They have a big event May 16th, so make sure and check it out.