Friday, May 2, 2008

CYWA rastlin

Thursday's episode was hosted by Chad Yocom of CYWA, and guests were 'chief' and the prodigy of MXWA. They have a big event May 16th, so make sure and check it out.


Anonymous said...

I WILL BE THERE! If its anything like the last show its bound and determined to be great! also i was one of the people dissin on MXWA but after i went i got a new look at what they do! thanks guys!

Anonymous said...

The "Drunk & Donut Connection"? Ah hell no! That is hillarious! Have you seen the picture pride put o the MXWA board? CLASSIC!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah i just took a look at that! hilarious! Can't wait to see what happens at the show on Friday night May 16th!

Anonymous said...

D&D is the next BIG Thing...yeah right!!! hahaa Chief n' Pride are kickin some loser aaaayusss!

Anonymous said...

I'd still like to see what this CYWA hype is about...some made up fed. Everyone sees right through this bull no wonder no other better companies come to Muscatine.

Anonymous said...

Who cares if it's makes that money man. Yet when it comes to talent you best be looking at TPW! Thats CBK and Castillo along with the new TPW Hardcore Champion LB. Smack all the dirt off those CYWA punks and lil' Mikey Pride's low life face.

Anonymous said...

Do you think those guys care about anyone else? they wont let you guys in at all cuz you suck! they book talent and are getting huge. MXWA is going to be a houseold name. pfff TPw is nothing but jealous. when you seen the stuff Wiqied and Pride has done you cant get any better than that! Mxwa doesnt need you guys to have a good show. they have been doing so for years!

Anonymous said...

Agree ^^^^^

Anonymous said...

BREAKING NEWS: Montoya X is the new IPW Champion!! after a hard fought match with AJ Smooth this past weekend Montoya X is the new champ! This Friday Night at MXWA Summer Heat 2008 AJ Smooth will pick Montoya X's opponent and IPW Champion Montoya X will pick AJ Smooth's Opponent! who will it be! be there to find out!!

Anonymous said...

You TPW guys are the ones who can't wrestle. Pride and Wiqied have put their bodies on the line for snot nosed kids like you to enjoy. You guys have no respect and wouldn't even last in the ring for 1 minute with any of the MXWA professionals. This show is going to be the best one yet and I am cheering for Mick all the way! All you guys wish you could be as hardcore as Mick, he trains under Mick Foley you know!

Anonymous said...

i dont think tpw is that bad i have seen stuff on youtube and then wiqied's show is on there 2 o.o how can mick get up from some of that stuff!! ^^ lata!

Anonymous said...

TOMORROW NIGHT! MAY 16th!! 7:30pm THE FIESTA HALL 1919 Grandview Ave Muscatine! only $5.00!!! BE THERE baby!!

Anonymous said...

GREAT SHOW!!! CYWA delivered! they said they were legit and last night at Summer Heat they prooved it.

Anonymous said...

summer heat sucked

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thats mature ^^^ Hey loser go watch some porn and beat off on the net because your worthless and cant get a girlfriend or a life.

Anonymous said...

A realistic Review Of Summer Heat 2008

Wow, these shows have really gone down hill, late 2007 MXWA actually wasn't looking too bad, the entrance way with the lights was pretty cool, all the wrestlers attempted to dress in character, and most of the shows were watchable. Apparently these guys just don't care anymore and Summer Heat 2008 shows it. Here's the breakdown:

The main event was a clusterfuck of a match, but entertaining as a brawl! The Chief is awesome. Great thumbtack table spot at the end!!!!

The CYWA is an awesome idea on paper, but a total bomb in practice, none of the guys work well together, alone they aren't bad, especially the chief. With DX and the NWO you got the feeling these guys were drinking buddies, friends in real life, with the CYWA it looks like a collection of guys that would rather be hanging out with other people!

Horrible video quality, looked like someone put a plastic bag over the camera lens, what the hell this is 2008, not freaking 1908!!! You could barely hear the commentators and that's a good thing, it could be the bearded guy screaming about some guy walking from one side of the ring to the other, that chick miscalling every move, or the other guy with a voice made for silent films, either way it sucks, when in the hell did people start putting commentary over the PA?!?!?! Guys wrestling in their street clothes, what the hell, when is the last time you saw HHH come down the aisle in jeans shorts and a wife beater???? The ending of the show looked like a big bunch of crap, couldn't tell what they were saying or who they were saying it to, what a mess!!!

Also, the lack of crowd compared to past shows was a real downer, kinda sad to watch.

Anonymous said...

I thought the show was great! yes it was down from previous shows but you got to figure it was on a Friday night on a busy nice weekend. The Main Event was awesome LIVE! but was kinda cluster on tape. MXWA is great and i LOVE watching the shows LIVE and on T.V as well!!! cant wait til September when they come back! thanks guys

Anonymous said...

I thought the video quality looked good! it wasnt like it used to be but the graphics were cool as well.

Anonymous said...

MXWA Wrestling is simply a company that puts on great,exciting,affordable shows for its fans. I work for MXWA behind the scenes and have for quite sometime. Like we have always said if we were to compare MXWA to any other companys it would be to the old ECW. Old school programming! nothing fancy...If we wanted to have all the fancy things and not be unique than we would simply be another wrestling company like WWE. Sure our tag team Main Event was a bit clustered, its supposed to be! it was simply a brawl and battle of two groups! by the way it was a NO DQ tag-match! We air our product on Television for our fans and for new viewers of MXWA. I do agree with you on the fact that our shows were more glamourous from the begining of MXWA-Retribution 2007 but our crowds have been hotter and our fan base is growing! our 1 year anniversary was a HUGE success as was Extreme Bash 2 and Summer Heat 2008. If you look at our crowd last year for Summer Heat on a Friday night compared to this year's on a Friday night the number of fans in the crowd will speak for itself. Thank you to the loyal fans of MXWA and those that grow with us. If your against us oh well dont watch. Simple as that.


Anonymous said...

oh sorry i not HHH and i wrestle in muscatine one time a month and not every day in MSG and make a million dollars a year. i think this "guy" is just krying a little bit.

Anonymous said...

at least the review was honest, take criticism you babies, that's the only thing that makes your product better, if you can't take criticism your promotion is dead in the water!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We can take it! we just dont like people trying to compare us to something that were not trying to be (WWE). We never claimed to be nor wanna be. We were just explaining what we are!

Anonymous said...

by putting your product out there, you're subjecting it to criticism, all forms. you can't take the heat get the hell out of the kitchen

Anonymous said...

can you not read? they dont care about criticisim. Just explaining the product. Take your own advice if you dont like it than dont watch it or post on this board! obviously you care enough to post on this board.

Anonymous said...

MXWA is here to stay so both of you get over it and get the hell out of here! :D

Anonymous said...

It sounds to me like the guys in the mxwa are simply trying to polish up a turd by defending what they do and why they do it. Mxwa is proof that quality wrestling has gone the way of the dodo.
I've read the other posts about this supposed "wrestling" group and all this "they're doing what they love" crap is nonsense. I know some one else who was JUST doing what he loved, his name was HITLER! So just because you love to do it doesn't make it great, of any quality or fun to watch.

Anonymous said...

than dont watch or worry about it dumbass...

Anonymous said...

would everybody shut up, the people against MXWA are gay, and the people defending it are gay, why don't you both go make a gay sandwich

Anonymous said...

i agree and the sandwich sounds good :D

Anonymous said...

"Guys wrestling in their street clothes, what the hell, when is the last time you saw HHH come down the aisle in jeans shorts and a wife beater????"

Oh yeah and to this idiot...2 of the top guys in WWE right now wrestle in what looks to be street clothes. Lets see John Cena and Jeff Hardy! Cena wears jean shors and sneakers when he wrestles..he doesnt even wear wrestling boots or shoes and he has managed to become the top guy in WWE and a WORLD CHAMPION!!! Jeff Hardy the same thing he wears wrestling boots atleast but neither one of these 2 guys wear "wrestling gear". Hey idiot read up and study wrestling alittle more before you even try posting a "review" of any kind of wrestling show.

Anonymous said...

Pro wrestlers and wrestling fans are all closet homosexuals.Wrestling is the gayest form of entertainment next to gay porn(at least gay porn is honest about how gay it is)a bunch of bare chested guys in tiny under wear hugging each other and playing grab ass is all pro wrestling is.i think the real gay sandwich is between wrestlers and fans.
And to the dildo who said not to watch, i dont.But if you put your product on display in a public forum there are going to be people who wont like and will complain and critisize.

Anonymous said...

Actually dude, I see a pattern, those that wrestle in their street clothes usually suck major balls take for example John Cena, now he sucks big time, sense he wrestles in his street clothes. BUT I recall a match that took place on Velocity a few years ago between Cena and the ROH's American Dragon that was freaking awesome, in that match John Cena had on wrestling attire and not street clothes. Maybe this theory explains why the MXWA sucks so much!?!?

Anonymous said...

haha oh man you people will never give up...LMAO if you really think that someone's attire makes them a better wrestler than you must clearly believe that The power rangers are real!!! yeah! when Jason is in his street clothes he is a pussy but when he morph's into the red ranger AWWWW MAN!!!! hahahahahha and huh i wonder if basketball players, football,baseball hell the list goes on.....i wonder if they suck when they are not in uniform hmmm hey i dare you to go to a WWE wrestler when they are in street clothes and tell them they suck!!! let's see how fast he/she whoops your ass!! oh yeah and to the other moron telling us fans to get over it and accept criticism? why dont accept it and shut the hell up and accept that someone people love it and why would you even post on here if ya hate wrestling? get a fucking clue you pieces of shit.

Anonymous said...

MXWA Fans,

Dont post on this board and give these people the enjoyment of you trying to defend the MXWA and them being able to come back with there nonsense remarks. They clearly dont know a thing about wrestling and have nothing better to do than to put people down on message boards because they have horrible lives themselves. People are always going to love or hate everything and its just not MXWA. These people have their opinion so let it be. Fan's you know what you want and like so please continue to stay true to MXWA! our product grows everyday without criticism or without these people. The things they say do not get to any of us or to any of the wrestlers. A friend called and told me about this board and i just wanted to address the fans. MXWA will continue to run Tuesday Night Extreme and more great shows so miswell give up people your words mean nothing.


Anonymous said...

ACTUALLY there are NO fans posting on this board defending MXWA it's just two guys named Pride and Wicked and occasionally one of the other MXWA wrestlers. Does anyone in their right mind actually think MXWA would have fans that would give enough of a shit to pay attention and post on these boards!?!?!?!!

Anonymous said...

You know what? I do believe in the Power Rangers! And of course Jason is stronger when he's in his Power Ranger costume, that's where his powers come from stupid! Other wise he'd just be another guy who knows karate. No way could he take on Rita and Goldar and the Puddies with out his costume.
And FYI, i ran John Cena in an airport and I did tell him he sucked because he didn't was wrestling trunks and after his steroid induced emotional roller coaster he broke down and cried and told me he knew he was a fraud and that the reason he didn't wear trunks was because his package had shrivled up like sun dried tomatos, from steroid abuse.

Anonymous said...

This Steven Seagal Speech makes as much sense as MXWA and their wrestlers:

"I’d like to start out by saying, thank you to all the brothers and sisters that have come here today representing this cause. I have been asked by Mr. Itok and the tribal council to speak to you and the members of the Press about the injustice that has been brought against us by some Government Officials and Big Business (1). How many of you out there have heard of alternative engines? Engines that can run on anything from alcohol to garbage or water (2). Or carburetors that can get hundreds of miles to the gallon. Or electric or magnetic engines, that can practically run forever. You don’t know about them because if they were to come into use, they’d put the oil companies out of business. The concept of the internal combustion engine has been obsolete for over fifty years. But because of the Oil Cartels and corrupt government regulation, we and the rest of the world have been forced to use gasoline for over a hundred years. Big Business is primarily responsible for destroying the water we drink, the air we breathe and the food we eat (3). They have no care for the world they destroy, only for the money they make in the process. How many oil spills can we endure? Millions and millions of gallons of oil are now destroying the ocean and the many forms of life it supports. Among these is plankton, which supplies sixty to ninety percent of the Earth’s oxygen (4). This supports the entire marine ecosystem which forms the basis of our planet’s food supply. But the plankton is dying. I thought, well, let’s go to remote state or country, anywhere on Earth. But in doing a little research I realized that these people broker toxic waste all over the world. They basically control the legislation, and, in fact, they control the Law. The Law says, "no company can be fined over $25,000 a day (5)." For companies making $10,000,000 dollars a day by dumping lethal toxic wastes into the ocean, it’s only good business to continue doing this. They influence the media so that they can control our minds (6). They have made it a crime to speak out for ourselves, and if we do so we’re called "conspiracy nuts" and we’re laughed at (7). We’re angry because we’re all being chemically and genetically damaged, and we don’t even realize it (8). Unfortunately, this will effect our children. We go to work each day and right under our noses we see our car and the car in front of us (9) spewing noxious poisonous gasses that are all accumulative poisons. These poisons kill us slowly, even when we see no effect. How many of us would have believed if we were told twenty years ago that on a certain day we wouldn’t be able to see fifty feet in front of us. That we wouldn’t be able to take a deep breath because the air would be a mass of poisonous gas (10). That we wouldn’t be able to drink out of our faucets, that we’d have to buy water out of bottles. Our most common and God-given rights have been taken away from us. Unfortunately, the reality of our lives is so grim that nobody wants to hear it (11). Now, I’ve been asked what we can do? I think we need a responsible body of people that can actually represent us rather than Big Business (12). This body of people must not allow the introduction of anything into our environment that is not absolutely biodegradable or able to be chemically neutralized upon production (13). And finally, as long as there is profit to be made from polluting the Earth (14), companies and individuals will continue to do what they want. We have to force these companies to operate safely and responsibly, and with all our best interests in mind (15). So that when they don’t, we can take back our resources and our hearts and our minds and do what’s right."

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pride & Wiqied? good try but NO! i dont wrestle for MXWA and by the way it must of got your attention ya dumbass! your posting on this board. Why would you post on here if you didnt care and dont like MXWA? you would'nt even of found this page if ya didnt watch something to do with MXWA. At least they did there job!! they got a reaction out of you and that is all anyone in entertainment asks for. So technically MXWA wins! they got a reaction from you people! even if its bad its still a reaction :D

Anonymous said...

i personally post on this board because i was dragged to an mxwa show months ago, and hated it, i wish nlw came back into town so wrestling fans would get real wrestling, instead of a bunch untrained, unathletic, idiots parading around pretending to be wrestlers. ipw was fine until they teamed up with you guys. ok fine you want to make it personal i could tear your crappy wrestling a new one-

the matches are sloppy pieces of crap. none of your "wrestlers" look professional, like the other poster said. none of the guys know basic in ring storytelling, they just hammer on each other, and for you information that gets really boring after the first time you see it

Anonymous said...

wow i think im gunna kry. you just really hurt my feelings just tell the 200+ fans that go to all are shows. thats all we kare about not you sad sad sad asses. for people that dont give a shit about us you sure are on here a lot talking about us. this is the first time i have wrote on this "cywa rastlin"post and its still got more hits than any other post in there musca-t-time message board non mxwa so yeah to you guys!!!! lol so funny

Anonymous said...

actually 200 plus at each show that's bullshit, the last show you had about 40 people if lucky and the other ones no where near 200. learn how to count moron

Anonymous said...

actually i was at the show in January and it was packed! and yes just look at the pics and the video it was well over 200+! you people are just jealous and you just sit around on your asses doing nothing all day except putting other people down because they are not lazy pieces of shit like you guys! once again its your opinion on what you say but doesnt mean everyone else accept the same 2 people on here that agree.

Anonymous said...

If someone is really wanting to make this personal that is just silly. You must care quite abit about this product to actually even consider making it personal. Also why would you wanna tear it apart? no one but yourself actually gives a crap what you think. Your always going to have your negative people but like a previous poster said at least they are getting a reaction out of you. If ya hate it so much why would you wanna give them that? doesnt make much sense.

Anonymous said...

Shocking video of the MXWA stars having an orgy a group of Muscatine bartenders after hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Follow link:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sometimes the world looks perfect: Nothing to rearrange.
Sometimes you get a feeling like you need some kind of change.
No matter what the odds are this time, nothing’s going to stand in my way.
This flame in my heart, and a long lost friend.
Gives every dark street a light at the end.

Standing tall, on the wings of my dream.
Rise and fall, on the wings of my dream.

The rain and thunder. The wind and haze.
I’m bound for better days. It’s my life and my dream,
Nothing’s going to stop me now.

Anonymous said...

Give it a 9.95 put your body in overdrive.....

It's the hour of the party the hour of the beat, once you look for perfection you might go blind....

And were going to turn this city upside down..........I give it a 9.95

Anonymous said...

Bad boys, whatcha want, whatcha want,
Whatcha gonna do when sherrif John Brown come for you.
Tell me, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do? Yeahhh?

Bad boys bad boys
Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
when they come for you
Bad boys, bad boys
Watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do
when they come for you

When you were eight
And you had bad traits
You go to school and you learn the golden rule
So why are you acting like a bloody fool
If you get hot you must get cool

Bad boys bad boys
Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
when they come for you
Bad boys, bad boys
Watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do
when they come for you

You chuck it on that one
You chuck it on this one
You chuck it on mother and
You chuck it on you father
You chuck it on you brother and
You chuck it on you sister
You chuck it on that one and you chuck it on me

Bad boys bad boys
Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
when they come for you
Bad boys, bad boys
Watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do
when they come for you

Bad boys bad boys
Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
when they come for you
Bad boys, bad boys
Watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do
when they come for you

Nobody naw give you no break
Police naw give you no break
Soldier man-a give you no break
Not even you idren naw give you no break

Bad boys bad boys
Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
when they come for you
Bad boys, bad boys
Watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do
when they come for you

Bad boys bad boys
Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
when they come for you
Bad boys, bad boys
Watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do
when they come for you

Why did you have to act so mean?
Don't you know you're a human being,
Born of a mother with the love of a father,
Reflections come and reflections go
I know sometimes - you want to let go, hey, hey, hey
I know sometimes - you want to let go, wohh!

Bad boys bad boys
Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
when they come for you
Bad boys, bad boys
Watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do
when they come for you

Your too bad.

Your too good.

Your too bad

Your too good.

Bad boys bad boys
Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
when they come for you
Bad boys, bad boys
Watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do
when they come for you

You chuck it on that one
You chuck it on this one
You chuck it on mother and
You chuck it on you father
You chuck it on you brother and
You chuck it on you sister
You chuck it on that one and you chuck it on me.

Bad boys bad boys
Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
when they come for you
Bad boys, bad boys
Watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do
when they come for you

[Fade Out]

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN that song is longer than I remember!

Anonymous said...

Show me that smile again. (Show me that smile)
Don't waste another minute on your cryin.
We're nowhere near the end (nowhere near)
The best is ready to begin.

Oooohhh. As long as we got each other
We got the world spinnin right in our hands.
Baby you and me, we gotta be
The luckiest dreamers who never quit dreamin.

As long as we keep on givin
We can take anything that comes our way
Baby, rain or shine, all the time
We got each other Sharin the laughter and love.

Anonymous said...

Detective Bart Lasiter was in his office studying the light from his one small window falling on his super burrito when the door swung open to reveal a woman whose body said you've had your last burrito for a while, whose face said angels did exist, and whose eyes said she could make you dig your own grave and lick the shovel clean

Anonymous said...

I just want to say: Lately I smile all day

Lately I'm never down
lately I never frown.
At home or in the car
don't matter where you are

Don't wanna be alone
you just pick up the phone.
Hello, fantasy hotline?
What's your credit card number?
"Your phone number?" "7 51-61 77".
What's your fantasy?
I just wanna speak to a very hot one.
"We'll call you back".

Sex over the phone - You know I like it.
Sex over the phone - You know I need it.
Sex over the phone - Come on and give it to me baby.
Sex over the phone.

This is the part I hate
why do they make you wait?
Here's where the fevers rise enough to cross my eyes.
They can be short or tall
they can be white or black.
I don't care
not at all
long as they call me back.
Hello, baby, it's me, your fantasy.
What's your name?
'Who cares? Just care about my body".
What do you look like?
Hot, I look very hot.

Sex over the phone - In the morning.
Sex over the phone - In the afternoon.
Sex over the phone - Sometimes late in the evening.
Sex over the phone.

When I want to take a ride I don't have to go outside.
I don't need to dress if I'm feeling lazy.
I can lie there in my bed painting pictures in my head.
I just touch my princess and I go crazy.
If you are feelin' hot and after all who's not?
Right now I've got a cure to help your temperature.
All that you need's a dime and just a little time.
A pay phone on the street can help you beat the heat.

Sex over the phone - It's so fulfilling.
Sex over the phone - They're always willing.
Sex over the phone - Don't break connection baby.
Sex over the phone.

It's loving that you need
satisfaction guaranteed.
It won't cost that much for you to start talking.
It's a very small amount on your credit card account.
Come on let your fingers do the walking.

Sex over the phone - you know I like it. . . .
Sex over the phone - Sex over the phone - Sex over the phone -
Sex over the phone - Sex over the phone - Sex over the phone.

Anonymous said...

Mxwa "wrestler": I WILL BE THERE! If its anything like the last show its bound and determined to be great! also i was one of the people dissin on MXWA but after i went i got a new look at what they do! thanks guys!

Another Mxwa "wrestler" pretending to be someone else: yeah i just took a look at that! hilarious! Can't wait to see what happens at the show on Friday night May 16th!

Yet Another Mxwa "wrestler": GREAT SHOW!!! CYWA delivered! they said they were legit and last night at Summer Heat they prooved it.

Anonymous said...

This Sunday June 29th at Don's Pub in Donahue,IA at 6pm OSWA presents: Retaliation. At this show it will feature: Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, The father of Randy Orton "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr and WWE Legend Rowdy Rowdy Piper and many more of your favorite OSWA wrestlers! but this show will also feature the REMATCH from the MXWA 1 Year Anniversary Show as The Chief takes on Mick Wiqied in a HARDCORE match!!!! will the outcome be the same from the 1 year anniversary show or will Mick Wiqied pin the Chief? be there this sunday and find out!

Anonymous said...

SEX SEX OVER THE PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ryan Bruns is a stupid little faggot with gay hair, I also caught him getting gang banged by the village people once!!!