Friday, April 25, 2008


Thursday's guest was 'dan the animal man'. He was all fired up to talk about Lyme Disease and how to prevent it and/or treat it. Basically, ticks host onto deer and mice then end up in the grass. They then jump onto your pets and possibly even you! Symptoms of Lyme Disease include fever, arthritis and heart problems.

At T-Time, we want to put a permanent end to this epidemic that sweeps Iowa in the spring and fall! We are proposing that all deer and mice be executed, therefore eliminating the threat of future disease transmission. We are also organizing a community 'Crop Dusting Event'. We are hoping to contract a crop duster to fly over muscatine on Thursday May 15th. This airplane will disseminate a chemical that repels ticks.

We are asking that all citizens of Muscatine stand outside during the hours of 2pm and 4pm to recieve this free 'spritzing' of chemical relief. Please wear as little clothing as possible to insure adequate coverage.(unless you are a bit unsightly, then use your own best judgement).

Don't forget the pets and the kids, this is a FAMILY event.

Next week, CYWA is back at the studio, along with whatever else we conjur up.

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