Monday, June 16, 2008

Flooding is a bad deal.

Not trying to be insensitive, I would say the flooding situation is a bad deal, and our sympathies to those majorly affected. Looks like columbus junction got hit hard, again, that is a bad deal but they came together as a community, so some good did come of it.

Otherwise, we chatted with the lil league team, the orioles. Yocom claims to have future major league stars on the team, so what an honor to get to interview them before they hit the bigs.

We are going to get patriatoic next week, so flag burners best not tune in. We will talk about the downtown 'partriart' celebrations and have a guest from the american legion talking about a WWII memorial tour that some local vets are going to attend.

Maybe some ricking and rolling, you never know.

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