The Muscatine School Orchestra came out and performed the Led Zepplin classic, "Stairway to Heaven". It is great to have some fine arts opportunities for Muscatine Youth.
But this episode had some fun for the whole family... As the MXWA made an appearance the second half of the show promoting their April 5th show at the fiesta. The "prodigy" and "the one and only Mike Glory" were the initial guests. They had trouble getting their message across as Chad Yocom's newly formed wrestling organization (the CYWA) was talking a lot of smack.
With T-Dogg as his bodygaurd, Mr. Yocom stole "prodigy's" world title belt and then tazed 'the one and only' when he tried to re-claim it. Yocom is training T-Dogg and the Monkey Lion, for future wrestling events, so they may even make a 'VIA Satellite' appearance on april 5th.
Things got out of hand later in the show as 'the CHIEF' power bombed Mr. Extreme. We had to cut the show off early, because all of the MXWA athletes headed out to the parking lot to re-claim the belt from CHIEF, who had earlier taken it from Yocom's Wrestling Posse.
Next week we are featuring an athletic club I belong to... The Harper Cycling Racing Team, so be sure to tune in. Yocom will be absent, commited to his new venture in the world of Midwest Wrestling. Thanks for watching.
MXWA would like to thank Chad Bishop and Chad Yocom for having some of the MXWA guys on the Musca-T-Time show. The guys had a blast and we hope to return to your show again sometime. Special thanks to T-Dogg,Chee-Cho and the guys for interacting with the wrestlers and making for a fun and entertaining show. Thanks Again!
nobody saw cause everyone was at work or watching the NCAA basketball tournament
i saw..and i have a full-time job..
good for you, want a medal?
well i dont think anyone is going to be saying mxwa's appearance today was a success
CYWA is officially in training as Chad Yocom is the manager for T-Dogg and Monkeylion.
Be on the look out as this power duo of the Dogg and Lion team up to begin conquering the ranks of local and regional wrestling.
There may be a partnership with the Cheif in the future as well. If these 3 team up I guarantee a World Regional Midwest TV Championship belt is headed our way.
Chad Yocom
CYWA Founder
Musca-T-Time is recorded LIVE on thursday mornings for re-broadcast Fri/Sat/Sun at 10am, 3pm & 8pm on access channel nine.
Show was great today guys! congrats! yeah i work full time as well and i watched it and yes ex president i do want a metal. Got any i can have?!?
it's MEDAL not METAL ( go back to grade school if you can't tell the difference ), and yes the guys on the show today looked like rejects from oompa loompa land, lol even the hosts were bigger than them, some wrasslers they are
This is Mrs. T=dog and learn how to spell idiot. It's wrestlers not wrasslers. Your comment was as lame as your spelling.
Using the word "wrasslers" was supposed to be derogatory. jessh this board is filled with retards, mxwa fans in general. Hey you need me to give you the definition of "derogatory" hun???????
why the hell are you people so determined to point out all the negatives about MXWA and Wrestling? get a life! go whack off to porn on the net or something. You dont like MXWA! so what! get over it! dont like it! dont watch it! and quit trying to make this a educational topic. What does knowing how to spell or use correct grammar have to do with anything? grow up losers and go do something with your lives instead of trying to nose in on everyone else's.
Amen to that, I love MXWA wrestling, it cures cancer, and saves dying species!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think the fact that so many people are talking about it makes Thursdays show a success. Aleast we elicit some sort of emotion from the people that may not be fond of our product. Any response is better than none at all. We are being talked about and in the entertainment business, that is what counts! The show was a success for me on a personal level because I got to beat up Mick Wiqied and made some new allies in Mr. Yocom and T-Dogg! Thanks to everybody that gave us your valuable time and tuned in.
You go Chief!! AND T-DOG!!!! You can take those guys without a tazer. And to the guy who can't spell, T=D0G is gona kick your A**.
"gona," you can't spell either.
Hope Destroyer beats GayPride for the title, bout time someone kicks the crap out of that scrawny tiny poser
Oh and YES I DO know what the word derogoatory means! DER!
CYWA is invading MXWA? check out the website www.mxwawrestling.com
CYWA is invading MXWA? check out the website www.mxwawrestling.com
LOL and then you misspell it. GO BACK TO SCHOOL, if you ever went. Yeah still hope Gaypride drops that belt and brings some respect to the mxwa. And for the record this CYWA versus MXWA stuff is really going to put asses in seats let me tell you, hahahahahahaha.
Mike Gloryhole
Mike Gaypride
Midnight Snack
Desroyer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
doesnt matter if your ass is in a seat or not. Hope you dont come anyways and the shows are not for losers like yourself. Quit making this thread about spelling and education idiots!
Losers huh, I think twenty somethings pretending to be wrestlers is pretty much a loser thing.
"pretending" most of these guys are trained including: Chief, AJ Smooth and others. The rest are either in the process of being trained or have had some training and are waiting to be trained.
The CHIEF has an open INVITATION to be the exclusive TRAINER for T-DOGG and The MonkeyLion.
IN RETURN,The CHIEF will immediately be granted the exclusive CYWA World Regional TV and Internet CHAMPION belt.
Join the CYWA fan club by emailing: chad@chadyocom.com
As I previously posted on the MXWA board, Mr. Yocom I humbly accept your gracious offer! LONG LIVE THE CYWA!
Johnny Fairplay Vs. Mike Pride battle of the weak little posers coming to the MXWA ring sometime soon
Big Buttcheeks vs. Big Tata's coming soon!
we're here we're queer we love mike gaypride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And later on in the day we love to use mike gloryholes too!!!!!!!!!!!
hey fon get a life and go stick "something" in your buttcheck
sorry i ment JON get a life and go stick a needle in your ass
Guess again........
will you two shut the buck up
If everyone involved with mxwa is getting so upset about people bad mouthing them why don't they try and prove them wrong?
You came into my life
And my world never looked so bright
It's true, you bring out the best in me
When you are around
When you are around
All things just keep getting better!
The days keep getting better
Nights keep getting better
All things just keep getting better!
[[bg:Великолепната петорка]]
[[fr:0101001010101010, cinq 626651151515151515]]
[[it:I 8948484959262]]
[[fi:Sillä silmällä]]
[[sv:Fab 5]]
Hi - Hi! Siamo le vostre ragazze del tempo - Amperora-huh - e li abbiamo vi abbiamo ottenuto le notizie per - ascoltate più meglio! Ottenga aspettano, tutti voi ragazze sole e lasciano quegli ombrelli nel paese. - alright! - L'umidità sta aumentando - barometro che ottiene basso secondo tutte le fonti, il posto della via andare stasera causa per la prima volta giusta circa metà-oltre dieci per la prima volta nella storia che sta andando iniziare a piovere gli uomini. Sta piovendo Gli Uomini! Hallelujah! - Sta piovendo Gli Uomini! Amen! Sto andando uscire funzionare e mi lascio ottenere assolutamente impregnarsi bagnato! Sta piovendo Gli Uomini! Hallelujah! Sta piovendo Gli Uomini! Ogni Esemplare! Alto, blonde, di massima e duro scuro e magro e forte e medio
PORK CHOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SANDWICHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MXWA is a rival promotion yes but when some posers like CYWA want to get into the mix...there is no chance you guys will win an invasion or war, whatever. Unlike CYWA, the TPW guys can wrestle and study the game and take it to heart. April 5th we will see CYWA crumble, TPW backs MXWA up on this...but Chief is still cool.
Trailer Park Trash Wrestling Vs The MXScrubbbyA
ICW is like SAW..we are here too
who cares about TPW MXWA CYwhatevers either way no one puts on a good enough show for my $5!
NLW was great when they came to the armory and I know those mxwa guys bashed em' That was the only good wrestling ever in muscatine.
those trailer park wrestlers need go back to babys their sisters and leave the wrestling to people who know what their doing!
Yummy I want milk from Matt and Doug Ritter's man puppies!!!!!
ICW more like ICcrap
fatt and dumb Ritter! hahahhahahhaha thats why they are outta business because they are so good huh! they suck and you all suck big donkey balls!
I think everyone has lost sight of the fact that there is not a whole lot to do in this town, and this show and the guests and all the stuff that is building up is a way to have a little fun.So I say mis spell some words if you want,wrassle a little and play your songs on channel 9. If you dont like it start your own show and get tasered down out in the parking lot afterwards suckers!!!
i think i agree with the last poster, if you want to get your nads shocked go for it
Chad Bishop Vs. Chad Yocum Vs. Chad Allen Vs. Chad Teegee Vs. Chad Kroeger Vs. Chad of Mercia Vs. Chad of Mercia Vs Chad Smith Vs. Chad Smith Vs. Chad Smith Vs. Chad Smith
All I want is hos big booty hos, check it out there's another one........
Last call my ass, we own these boards and the night!
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