Thursday, March 13, 2008

The 'Tasing' of T-Dogg

We amped up this week's show by busting out our 100,000 volt taser and gave the dogg a few jolts. He was seemingly unphased by the intial gut check, so we progressively zapped him in more sensitive areas, from the forearm building up to the neck.

T-Dogg involuntarily convulsed with the tasing but didn't seem too harmed, so we took requests from our studio audience. From that we tased him on the ear, the tongue and even the nipple!
Apparently, the t-dogg is one tough bird. In fact this inspired us to see just how tough this guy is. Look for future episodes involving pepper spray, hot pepper eating, and anything else we can think of. Or maybe you have some ideas that you would like to suggest.

Tom Savage was also out talking about his book, a dictionary of iowa places. Check it out at his downtown store or at We are hoping that the folks at Ripley's trailer park heed the call, and consider incorporating their own town, freeing themselves from the constraints of Muscatine annexation.

Also, Mr. Yocom of CYWA, has called out the MXWA on LIVE television! The MXWA is a world-class group of regional wrestlers. So tune in next week as well, as they will be out here talking about their upcoming special event and putting the smack down.


Anonymous said...

Your Challenge has been accepted. MXWA WILL BE IN THA HOUSE THIS THURSDAY!

Anonymous said...

"World-class group of regional wrestlers," are you putting me on, "world class," none of those guys even look like athletes.

Anonymous said...

Hey, love the new T Time guys!!! Forget T-Dogg you guys could've tased me!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway one of my friends and I went to the MXWA show last month, I thought it would be like MMA, but it was pro wrestling, we decided to check it out anyway. We spent most of the show laughing and left around middle of the show. LOL the guys didn't even dress like wrestlers, most were totally out of shape, the big indian guys was the only one that was cool!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I bet "monkey lion" can take on those guys ,all together or one by one.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see a cage match between MonkeyLion and TDogg

Anonymous said...

The only word i can think of to describe the mxwa is DRECK! To call it pro wrestling is an insult and a slap to the face of all the men and women who went and trained to know what they're doing. These guys are unfit, untrained and anything but professional.

Anonymous said...

When are they going to bring back that Muscatine dating show?!? You guys need a segment like that.

Musca - T - Time said...

Looks like we will have a good show. Yocom and t-dogg have been doing some lifting at the gym to get in shape in case there is any trouble. Haven't seen the monkey lion for awhile, but you never know...

about musatine dating show... yes that is a good idea, I will think about how I can integrate that into a future episode. Maybe some sort of bachelor auction for the ladies, or maybe a 'win a date with' type deal featuring a highly desirable single female.

chad t

Anonymous said...

Hey wade, sure MXWA doesn't stand for Midget Xtreme Wrestling Alliance?

Anonymous said...

MXWA is awesome! i have been to there shows and they are fun and exciting! Wade most of these guys are training or are trained and to compare it to MMA duh! that was a joke! lets see big difference between the 2! these guys are entertainers! show some respect jerky!

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to show respect to a bunch of skinny guys pretending to be wrestlers, stop being dillusional. If Vince Mcmahon saw a tape of there stuff he would laugh his ass off and tell them not to quit their day jobs.

Anonymous said...

these guys are doing what they love to do and they are having a good time. Why do people put them down? size doesnt matter with everything, there is different divisons just like UFC and MMA. That isnt even an argument to give someone crap for there size. Atheletics and the art is what is to look at. Grow up man!

Anonymous said...

wow! everyone is just getting out of hand! obviously Wade just doesnt like the MXWA product. Fine so move on....its your opinion and everyone should respect that. I saw the show on T.V and i enjoyed it i thought the kids were having a good time and it bring entertainment to the community! these guys have come along way from the backyard and the funny thing is the more crap you give these guys the more it pushes them to succeed in the business. This show is for them to promote there show and let them do that if ya dont like it then dont watch and go to the shows! wow, its simple as that! i agree with Mason! GROW UP!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm I wonder how many people posting defending the MXWA are directly involved with them??????

Anonymous said...

Hello, my name is Danny Richards and i personally know the guys of MXWA Wrestling i am also a wrestler/trainer for a indy comapny out of the midwest. Some of the guys are in the process of training with Impact Pro Wrestling.These guys put on shows for the kids and fans of Pro Wrestling. They have many PRO wrestlers on the shows they do that include: AJ Smooth, Montoya X, Chief and many many others that have passed through the doors of MXWA. I have worked with 2 of the 3 guys that are going to be on the show and they are doing very well and have a bright future in Pro Wrestling. To compare MXWA to WWE or Vince Mcmahon is a joke and just a horrible comparison. Knocking MXWA is like knocking all the independent Wrestling companys all around the midwest or in that matter the world. You think that Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, StoneCold, etc etc..just stepped straight to the WWE? NO! they had to work for it and companies like MXWA is one way to do it. These guys are doing the T-Time show to help promote the product MXWA and indy wrestling. I will be at the shows to watch the guys and i just want to congratulate the MXWA on a 1 year anniversary show! it's went along way since 2007! i was there for the first sell out show and i will be for this show! Just like what the last person said if you dont like it than dont go! plain and simple. Once again Congrats on the show this Thursday and congrats on the upcoming 1 year show! keep on doing what your doing and becoming a success and let the haters sit on the computer with there donuts and pepsi doing nothing with there lives. Thanks

"SuperStar" Danny Richards

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder how many people posting defending the MXWA are actually "wrestlers" in the MXWA?

Anonymous said...

Ok so the MXWA doesn't have the Glam nor the Money that WWE has. but they have guts and the love for what they do. all of those PEEPS out there that want to call them (whatever) your just pissed that you didnt come up with the idea first. If you think YOU can do better then them......then do it--back up your words and prove yourself i would rather see MXWA for $5 and accually see wrestling then pay 60+ to hear a bunch of windbags and interupted matches also it gives kids in this god forsaken town something to do.

Anonymous said...

the mxwa guys could consider becoming jockies, think they're bout the rite size

Anonymous said...

jjeezzzz well this blog has 20 post and all the other ones have 1 or 2 so i guess someone kares

Anonymous said...

First of all I agree that comparing mxwa to MMA and WWE IS A JOKE! They are no where near as entertaining as WWE was or MMA is! Also pro wrestling is NOT an art! Art is an expresion of feelings and oppinons through a given medium. What is mxwa expressing, their total lack of common sense? Also no one has made the claim they could it better. And really who would want to try? Yeah, right after I invest my money in pro wrestling I'll buy a majority holding of Enron stock. But what really offends me about the majority of these comments is the assualt on the english language. When you use "i" in a sentnce it's capitolized. Question marks(?) and exclamaiton points(!) end a sectence so the first letter if the following word needs to be capitolized. And care is spelled with a "c" not a "k".

Anonymous said...

Attention students! please welcome our language arts teacher for the day Mr.Know It All Ewaldt. Since this subject is now about proper grammar.

Anonymous said...

This comment page is great!!! The MXWA people just can't accept the fact that they have ZERO talent!!! Has the world gone totally nuts, that you people are blind to the fact that those guys
(1) Don't know how to wrestle
(2) Aren't in good enough shape to wrestle even if they wanted too

Hey I have NO problem with them putting on shows but all of you defending it as if it's some kind of great art form, are retarded!! God, just say they suck, but you go cause there is nothing else to do in Muscatine!!!!!!

Oh yeah and the poster that didn't know how to spell "athletics" needs to go back to school.

Anonymous said...

A Central Florida football player died today during conditioning drills, that's the risk REAL athletes take.

Anonymous said...

If the legend is true,then realese d MonkeyLion I would like to see him massacre those wrestlers and have a t-dog 4 a snack

Anonymous said...

I have worked for the MXWA on their last two shows. I was trained in 1986 and worked for promotions all over the country in the late 80s and early 90s. I also currently work for Impact Pro Wrestling, as does AJ Smooth and Montoya X. So, MXWA does utilize trained wrestlers. Many of these guys are getting ready to start training now. They always ask for advice from those of us who are trained because they want to improve for the fans. This company impressed me because they are totally dedicated to entertaining their fans as best they can and are not only concerned with the almighty dollar. The crowds have been getting larger and I don't think that would happen if the people of Muscatine did'nt like their product. Check out the big anniversary show. If you don't get entertained by it, you are only out five bucks and you don't have to go again. You might be pleasantly surprised!

Anonymous said...

I want to apologize for scaring you people with my higher then grade school education, that was not my intent and I'm sorry. I know that sometimes when people are smarter then you it can be scary and didn't mean to frighten any of you.

Anonymous said...

well I've read through all these messages ( that was really painful ) and come to the conclusion that there are some people that think the MXWA doesn't uphold a certain code when it comes to how wrestlers should look. I think it's more than that, looking the part also means being in good physical condition. why should people pay their money to see a bunch of average looking guys wrestle?

would people pay to watch football if normal guys were doing it, would people watch the UFC if average men were doing it, answer is NOPE. people watch sports and athletic entertainment to see things that aren't everyday things. anybody can get into a ring, take a few pointers from a real wrestler, but still that doesn't make them wrestlers.

Anonymous said...

well im not a wrestler.
my brother is.
but that doesnt matter.
all of the wrestlers in MXWA put on great shows time after time.
apparently you people need to get lives if all you can do is comment this and bring other people down.
pretty pathetic if you ask me.
ii know almost all of them and they all are great people.
it doesnt matter if you think they are athletes or not.
they are athletes whether you like it or not.
grow up.
get a life.
and leave the guys alone.
it doesnt matter what they wear.
they are doing what they love to do.
and there are a lot of people who go to watch them.
everyone who goes; always enjoys going.
they put it on for the town.
they go out for the people
not for themselves.
and people like the mr. know it all mark ewalt needs to get over themselves.
he has no life or a bad life and thats why he probably has no friends.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

maybe the monkey lion can start eating some of the retards writing messages defending the MXWA on this board. Oh yeah and stop assuming that the one's that are posting are jealous or fat computer junkies that have nothing better to do, trust me you are waaaaayyyyyy off.

Anonymous said...

since I've wasted enough time here at work killing time on this stupid blog, i going too say that whoever said that that ewaldt guy has no friends is stupid, they spent most of their blog talking about being nice and then end it with a slam, hypocrit, cant any of you have a civil argument, chief is the only one here being nice, oh yeah and to that same poster, i know i need to get a life i'm reading your stupid stuff

Anonymous said...

one more thing all you idiots that keep arguing with the mxwa idiots are being stupid too, you guys are just getting people to talk about them, free publicity, dont even give them that they arent worth it

Anonymous said...

Hey, why aren't there any black athletes in the MXWA, huh huh huh?????????

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Those guys are actually wrestlers?!?!?! with the exception of that indian guy they all look like a bunch midgets.

Anonymous said...

MXWA would like to thank Chad Bishop and Chad Yocom for having some of the MXWA guys on the Musca-T-Time show. The guys had a blast and we hope to return to your show again sometime. Special thanks to T-Dogg,Chee-Cho and the guys for interacting with the wrestlers and making for a fun and entertaining show. Thanks Again!


Anonymous said...

Lick my minge and my gary

Anonymous said...

Oh suck my oprah oral sex angel whore