Friday, March 7, 2008

Smokin Pot Holes

This week we took a break from having guests and had a 'CALL-IN' episode. We will probably do those from time to time, to let viewers become a part of the show. Our topics included the POT hole situation in Muscatine and the proposed SMOKING BAN.

The city must have been tuned in to Thursdays LIVE broadcast, because they have already put up barricades around the pot hole that I singled out, that resides in front of the colorado street apts.

ADOPT A POT HOLE', sounds like a good plan to us. Grab a bucket, some slag, and start filling. "The only you have to FEAR is FILL itself". I am not sure if it is legal to actually fill in pot holes, so please let us know if any legal charges are brought against any of those who 'opt to adopt'.

SMOKIN BAN...lots of mixed opinions. The government wants to keep those who work in public places safe from the harms of second hand smoke. The solution, start smoking, not much has really been said about '1st hand smoke' being bad for you, these days, as second hand smoke is now public enemy number one.

Next week we are talking about our great downtown area & more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sheer genius! I read an article about a woman who devoted her life to caring for her parents. She went in for a physical and her lungs were like a 3 pack a day smoker. Her folks both smoked like fiends. They were tested and found to have normal respiration and lung volume for people their age! START SMOKING, KIDS SAVE YOURSELVES FROM BAD DISEASE WITH PRE EMPTIVE STRIKES! THE NEWEST BRAND FROM PHIL MORRIS!