Friday, April 11, 2008

Episode #11 & Smoking Ban

For Thursdays episode, we had Mike Wade as our featured guest. He is running for Sheriff in Muscatine County. He forgot to bring his Taser Gun, so T-Dogg escaped another zapping. I am charging the battery on my handheld "Z-Force III, 100,000Volt" Taser, though, so look for more willful injury in future episodes.

A couple of high school kids kept shadowing me around all morning, so I decided to put them on the show as guests later in the episode.

Did you know that there is an amature radio club in town? Yep, and Tom Brehmber (former disc jockey for 93.1fm) will be a guest to talk about it next week. Apparently anyone with interest can operate their own radio station using FCC reserved radio frequencies. Sounds slightly interesting, plus Tom B. is an aspiring comedian, so should be fun.

Rumors of the Pearl City Rugby head coach coming out have not been confirmed, but that is still in the works. If not, then maybe I will take phone calls on this new smoking ban, that means no more smoking in 99.5% of public places including bars and restaurants. That has got to be ruffling a few feathers.

If they don't let people smoke at bars, why not ban them from drinking as well, that is also dangerous to others and a personal health risk? I was trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, so avoiding smoky bars was part of my plan. But, if they aren't smoking in them anymore, they will be more alluring to a healthier crowd... hopefully I don't succomb to the temptation.

But, really, I think owners should chose for themselves, I hate to see too much government control. I, personally, would then only go to the smoke-free bars/restaurants, because I don't smoke and don't think chics that do are worth hitting on. However, that doesn't mean that weekend smokers shouldn't have a place to unwind, and be care free for a few hours.

I guess, though, it is time to end this smoking thing. It is life shortening and raises everyones health insurance. Deal with it, and never fear, society will come up with a new vice, even cooler than smoking to replace this once popular pastime. Not sure what, any ideas? please share.

Also, be advised, this is a ban in 'PUBLIC' places... Therefore 'PRIVATE' restaurants and bars are going to become very popular for some. Yes, the Moose, The Elks, The Lions Club, Knights of Columbus, the VFW, the American Legion, etc, will be gaining membeship.

So, if you are a smoker, don't sweat it. Pay your monthly dues, and head over to the Moose. Current bar owners may see a drop in sales. And don't look for a new, undiscovered clientelle of non-smokers to suddenly decide to start boozing it up and Terri's just because it is smoke-free. Even if they did go, they wouldn't chug down as much hooch...


Anonymous said...

I really dont know why the government has to get involved in this smoking thing anyway. Why would you smoke in the hospital hallway as you are going to see your newborn baby. Do you need a drag right before you walk in for your court appearance? There are places where you should not have to be told not to do something!As far as bars go,I agree that the owners should decide.And I cant seem to get good and screwed up enough to recklessly endanger innocent drivers and mow down a few non smoking pedestrians with my gas guzzling v-8 motor car, if I cant puff down a few Winstons at the local watering hole.I have smoked for 20 years and I don't go to the smoking section of the restaurant, but I don't care if you smoke in that section.I love the fact that the casinos are exempt from the ban. So buy a pack of ciggys and go spend your house payment money. The employees there are immune to the ravaging effects of second hand smoke!!Wouldnt all the time and money spent on making this a law be better spent on education,roads or other important issues? So citizens,go home and wait for the next order from Big Brother. Gotta go, someones pounding on my door!

Anonymous said...

Smokers need to get over themselves and stop whining, JUST QUIT, ya bunch of babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wah Wah I can't quit boo freakin hoo. You people are as disgusting as a Roseanne Bar / Arnold sex tape, not to lazy and fat too!