Tuesday, April 1, 2008

T-Timin Datin Episode

Looks like some interest in the Muscatine Dating Game/Date Doctors. Perhaps we can bring it back as an episode of Musca-T-Time. I will need to find an extremely eligible (by that I mean HOT) single female. Once I pull that off I will take applications from single males who want to enter the competition to win a date with her. Depending on her specs (age, dating parameters, etc.) I will determine who I take applications from. She will then interview the winning three candidates on LIVE Television and chose which one to go on a date with. Of course, she won't get to see what they look like ahead of time, she will have to use her female intuition.

So single females... Are you tired of the Muscatine Dating Scene? Would you like the professional staff at Access Channel Nine to present you with pre-qualified dating candidates that you can chose from? How about a free meal (on your date) not to mention the instant celebrity status of being acknowledged as one of Muscatine's most eligible single females? If so contact me via email and I will send you a questionaire.

So single guys... Are you a lonely loser who can't get a date? Are you tired of watching cinemax after dark, by yourself in the basement of your parent's house? If so, become a dating candidate for a future episode. You may get to be on the show as one of three contestants. We will even pay for part of the date!

Email your contact info to cbishop@eicc.edu. I will send you some questions to email back to me, and will also need a photo (a recent one, that is actually of yourself). Once I have a handful of candidates and an attractive female, it is game on! I may also elect to use the applications to conduct a LIVE telethon-style 'bachelor auction'. Details to follow.

Thanks for watching.


Anonymous said...

please whatever you do DON'T have the MXWA guys on ever again, they were boring as hell!!!!!

Oh yeah and DON'T have them on the dating show either!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

April 3rd episode was one of the funniest ever. People have to remember that this show tries to appeal to a wide variety of people. You don't have to like all of it. But I am sure that you watch it long enough that you will enjoy most of it. Thanks for the great job C & C!!!!

Anonymous said...

Very entertaining show today! It was great to see a little bit of everything. From MXWA to PCP it was great! thanks again for the entertaining show!

Anonymous said...

the mxwa guys were sooooooo boring i actually read the muscatine journal

Anonymous said...

Funny, funny show guys! I thought the Chief was great with his deadpan comments!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i agree i love the chief

Anonymous said...

Also love the CHEF too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...