Thursday, April 17, 2008

Episode #12 - Amateur Radio

Today's episode featured Tom Brehmer. A former disc jockey in Muscatine, who now scratches his itch for radio through a HAM Radio. The Muscatine Amateur Radio Club meets monthly at the Musser Library and gives local radio operators a forum for interaction.

For more information visit

T-Dogg and Yocom were absent today so I opened the phone lines and talked a bit about the smoking ban the Iowa State Government has recently passed. A caller wondered about chewing tobacco, as perhaps taking over where smoking tobacco left off.

While chewing tobacco may not be quite as dangerous as second hand smoke, there are still risks to the general population:
1) You could slip on chew spit and crack open your head
2) Inadvertantly drinking from a chewing tobacco 'spitoon' will do both mental and physical harm.
3) Chics will look really gross with a wad of chaw pinched between their cheek and gum, therefore possibly leading to a decline in human reproduction and subsequent population decline.
4) It will be hard to make eye contact with people who have large flakes of tobacky wedged between their teeth.
5) Baseball players will have to find a new habit to be sterotyped with.

Next week, we switch from talking about 'spitting chew' to 'sucking blood', with our first annual "Deer tick" Celebration Event. You won't want to miss it!

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