Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thanks for checking in...
Anyone can have a show on public access, if they have the time and motivation, and they can be responsible for the shows content. Of course, certain types of television aren't allowed, but for the most part, public access is YOUR channel not MPW's, so feel free to get involved my contacting the MCC Video Department. MPW Cable graciously supports the channel so you can have a televised medium to communicate with your fellow residents.
MCC Video - 288-6070
Friday, July 18, 2008
July 'Late Night' Call-in Episodes
Just a couple more call-in episodes left, so make sure to take advantage of this opportunity to 'interact' with the show.
Also, if you would like us to discuss a certain 'topic' on the show, just leave me a comment, and I will try and read it over the air.
thanks for watching.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Thursday, July 10th episode
For this episode, we mainly disussed 'summers in iowa'. RAGBRAI, Musc. Aqua Center, Flooding, etc. We had several callers who were able to take advantage of the interactive nature of these late night episodes.
If you missed it tune in all weekend at 10pm, and 1am. These are only played later at night because they are rated 'M', so kids, ask your parents permission before watching the show. And, parents, ask your kids permission before not watching the show... it's good for you to be involved with your community. Musca'T'time can make a difference!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
LIVE w/ Call-ins this thursday, for real.
Not sure what the featured topics will be, but we do allow random topics from the viewing audience, so tune in and enjoy some good local satire.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Let's get Patri Artic Up in Here!
Then we had the Muscatine Cultural Alliance speaking about the PartriArt Week this June 28th, to July 4th. June 28th is celebration at the Brew. Yocom will be on the Historic Bike ride event Sunday the 29th, portraying the founder of the Weber Button Co. Wednesday is Blues in the Park (weed park), with Andrew Landers & Ellis Kell at 6pm. Thursday is a great event on Downtown Streets. And, of course friday is the fireworks celebration.
We have a break next week. Then doing three or four 'late night' versions of the show with call-ins, local editorial, satire, etc. thursdays at 9:30pm.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Flooding is a bad deal.
Otherwise, we chatted with the lil league team, the orioles. Yocom claims to have future major league stars on the team, so what an honor to get to interview them before they hit the bigs.
We are going to get patriatoic next week, so flag burners best not tune in. We will talk about the downtown 'partriart' celebrations and have a guest from the american legion talking about a WWII memorial tour that some local vets are going to attend.
Maybe some ricking and rolling, you never know.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Lil' League
Look's like the end of the world is just that much closer, as another round of flooding is rampaging the area. Go out and live it up, because the apocolypse can't be far, as each year more sporadic weather catastrophes, disease, famine, fallen economies, gas shortages, etc, seem to be taking over.
Next week we will talk about the PatriArt Week of festivities in Muscatine, and the WWII Veterans Honor Tour.
Then in July, the afterhours version of the show kicks in, where we take phone calls and chat about hyper local topics of interest and current events. The show records LIVE thursdays at 9:30pm then only re-broadcasts late at night after the little old ladies have gone to bed (around 10pm). That will be fun while it lasts.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Dean Wellman has some T

Thursday, May 29, 2008
T-Time to Go LATE NIGHT!!!
Nancy Shell was the guest and she is having a special fun - run fundraiser for breast cancer research on june 29th at the discovery center park. This is a 9.3 mile run with a $10 donation. It starts at 8am. Show up, get in shape and support a good cause.
Also, starting in July, we will temporarily move the show to 9:30pm on thursday nights, to give you viewers a chance to call in. Yes, this prime time slot means people will actually be at home and able to watch the show, call in and get involved in our rants. Also, the later time allows for more 'adult' content.
thanks for watching.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Hooking Up in Small Town America
- Confidence is key, she isn't any better than you, and there are dozens of other pretty girls just like her. If she isn't interested, on to the next one.
- Don't try and meet women at bars, meet them where you are (hence, try and BE at as many places as possible
- Have a PASSION and let others know about it. Get involved, and things will start to go your way.
-Spread the Love. Say 'Hi' and smile, make the world a better place while potentially hooking up.
Next week, Nancy Shell and Muscatine Running Friends are on the show. Thanks for watching.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Call - In Episode - "hookin up in small town america"
We tried to get some floorspace for our video production company to showcase it's rich history, and it seems like Melanie gave us the green light to use some space down in the basement next to the broom closet.
Since we don't have any specific guests this thursday, we will open up the phone lines. I will be giving my master's thesis dissertation: "Hooking up in small town america", so feel free to call in to take advantage of my expertise in the area of interpersonal relations.
Other than that we will see what topics come up. Sure, not to many people are actually watching tv at 10am on a thursday, so the calls are a little sparse, but me and yocom can chat it up with or without viewer interaction.
Speaking of that, yocom has the lead on a female hippie chic to replace the t-dogg as our third-party perspective co-host. I do like the hippie chics, yes, indeed. Daily showering is overated and bad for the environment.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Episode Recap
We delved into local politics by hosting another sheriff candidate, Frank Draper.
Later in the episode Gail Van Heck and Kim Hatfield were guests as they discussed this year's Cancer Relay For Life. Cancer never sleeps, so why should you? Join the fun Friday May 16th at the MHS stadium.
Want to be a guest? Let us know why you think you are SO special.
T-Dogg is MIA, so also looking for a replacement. Your responsibility would be to sit quietly along the side of the set, and speak when spoken too. Your comments should be slightly offensive. Inquire within.
Friday, May 2, 2008
CYWA rastlin
Friday, April 25, 2008
At T-Time, we want to put a permanent end to this epidemic that sweeps Iowa in the spring and fall! We are proposing that all deer and mice be executed, therefore eliminating the threat of future disease transmission. We are also organizing a community 'Crop Dusting Event'. We are hoping to contract a crop duster to fly over muscatine on Thursday May 15th. This airplane will disseminate a chemical that repels ticks.
We are asking that all citizens of Muscatine stand outside during the hours of 2pm and 4pm to recieve this free 'spritzing' of chemical relief. Please wear as little clothing as possible to insure adequate coverage.(unless you are a bit unsightly, then use your own best judgement).
Don't forget the pets and the kids, this is a FAMILY event.
Next week, CYWA is back at the studio, along with whatever else we conjur up.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Episode #12 - Amateur Radio
For more information visit
T-Dogg and Yocom were absent today so I opened the phone lines and talked a bit about the smoking ban the Iowa State Government has recently passed. A caller wondered about chewing tobacco, as perhaps taking over where smoking tobacco left off.
While chewing tobacco may not be quite as dangerous as second hand smoke, there are still risks to the general population:
1) You could slip on chew spit and crack open your head
2) Inadvertantly drinking from a chewing tobacco 'spitoon' will do both mental and physical harm.
3) Chics will look really gross with a wad of chaw pinched between their cheek and gum, therefore possibly leading to a decline in human reproduction and subsequent population decline.
4) It will be hard to make eye contact with people who have large flakes of tobacky wedged between their teeth.
5) Baseball players will have to find a new habit to be sterotyped with.
Next week, we switch from talking about 'spitting chew' to 'sucking blood', with our first annual "Deer tick" Celebration Event. You won't want to miss it!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Episode #11 & Smoking Ban
A couple of high school kids kept shadowing me around all morning, so I decided to put them on the show as guests later in the episode.
Did you know that there is an amature radio club in town? Yep, and Tom Brehmber (former disc jockey for 93.1fm) will be a guest to talk about it next week. Apparently anyone with interest can operate their own radio station using FCC reserved radio frequencies. Sounds slightly interesting, plus Tom B. is an aspiring comedian, so should be fun.
Rumors of the Pearl City Rugby head coach coming out have not been confirmed, but that is still in the works. If not, then maybe I will take phone calls on this new smoking ban, that means no more smoking in 99.5% of public places including bars and restaurants. That has got to be ruffling a few feathers.
If they don't let people smoke at bars, why not ban them from drinking as well, that is also dangerous to others and a personal health risk? I was trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, so avoiding smoky bars was part of my plan. But, if they aren't smoking in them anymore, they will be more alluring to a healthier crowd... hopefully I don't succomb to the temptation.
But, really, I think owners should chose for themselves, I hate to see too much government control. I, personally, would then only go to the smoke-free bars/restaurants, because I don't smoke and don't think chics that do are worth hitting on. However, that doesn't mean that weekend smokers shouldn't have a place to unwind, and be care free for a few hours.
I guess, though, it is time to end this smoking thing. It is life shortening and raises everyones health insurance. Deal with it, and never fear, society will come up with a new vice, even cooler than smoking to replace this once popular pastime. Not sure what, any ideas? please share.
Also, be advised, this is a ban in 'PUBLIC' places... Therefore 'PRIVATE' restaurants and bars are going to become very popular for some. Yes, the Moose, The Elks, The Lions Club, Knights of Columbus, the VFW, the American Legion, etc, will be gaining membeship.
So, if you are a smoker, don't sweat it. Pay your monthly dues, and head over to the Moose. Current bar owners may see a drop in sales. And don't look for a new, undiscovered clientelle of non-smokers to suddenly decide to start boozing it up and Terri's just because it is smoke-free. Even if they did go, they wouldn't chug down as much hooch...
Friday, April 4, 2008
Job Posting - CYWA

The biggest, baddest, wrestlers in Muscatine and the Midwest.
Must have ability to entertain 1000's of viewers and loyal fans.
Previous experience in being tough and kicking ass necessary.
If interested please see The Chief or T-Dogg after the MXWA show on Saturday April 5th.
CYWA Founder and CEO
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
T-Timin Datin Episode
So single females... Are you tired of the Muscatine Dating Scene? Would you like the professional staff at Access Channel Nine to present you with pre-qualified dating candidates that you can chose from? How about a free meal (on your date) not to mention the instant celebrity status of being acknowledged as one of Muscatine's most eligible single females? If so contact me via email and I will send you a questionaire.
So single guys... Are you a lonely loser who can't get a date? Are you tired of watching cinemax after dark, by yourself in the basement of your parent's house? If so, become a dating candidate for a future episode. You may get to be on the show as one of three contestants. We will even pay for part of the date!
Email your contact info to I will send you some questions to email back to me, and will also need a photo (a recent one, that is actually of yourself). Once I have a handful of candidates and an attractive female, it is game on! I may also elect to use the applications to conduct a LIVE telethon-style 'bachelor auction'. Details to follow.
Thanks for watching.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
All Right, Last Call...

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Episode #9: The Fine Arts and the Swine Arts

The Muscatine School Orchestra came out and performed the Led Zepplin classic, "Stairway to Heaven". It is great to have some fine arts opportunities for Muscatine Youth.
But this episode had some fun for the whole family... As the MXWA made an appearance the second half of the show promoting their April 5th show at the fiesta. The "prodigy" and "the one and only Mike Glory" were the initial guests. They had trouble getting their message across as Chad Yocom's newly formed wrestling organization (the CYWA) was talking a lot of smack.
With T-Dogg as his bodygaurd, Mr. Yocom stole "prodigy's" world title belt and then tazed 'the one and only' when he tried to re-claim it. Yocom is training T-Dogg and the Monkey Lion, for future wrestling events, so they may even make a 'VIA Satellite' appearance on april 5th.
Things got out of hand later in the show as 'the CHIEF' power bombed Mr. Extreme. We had to cut the show off early, because all of the MXWA athletes headed out to the parking lot to re-claim the belt from CHIEF, who had earlier taken it from Yocom's Wrestling Posse.
Next week we are featuring an athletic club I belong to... The Harper Cycling Racing Team, so be sure to tune in. Yocom will be absent, commited to his new venture in the world of Midwest Wrestling. Thanks for watching.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The 'Tasing' of T-Dogg
T-Dogg involuntarily convulsed with the tasing but didn't seem too harmed, so we took requests from our studio audience. From that we tased him on the ear, the tongue and even the nipple!
Apparently, the t-dogg is one tough bird. In fact this inspired us to see just how tough this guy is. Look for future episodes involving pepper spray, hot pepper eating, and anything else we can think of. Or maybe you have some ideas that you would like to suggest.
Tom Savage was also out talking about his book, a dictionary of iowa places. Check it out at his downtown store or at We are hoping that the folks at Ripley's trailer park heed the call, and consider incorporating their own town, freeing themselves from the constraints of Muscatine annexation.
Also, Mr. Yocom of CYWA, has called out the MXWA on LIVE television! The MXWA is a world-class group of regional wrestlers. So tune in next week as well, as they will be out here talking about their upcoming special event and putting the smack down.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Smokin Pot Holes
The city must have been tuned in to Thursdays LIVE broadcast, because they have already put up barricades around the pot hole that I singled out, that resides in front of the colorado street apts.
ADOPT A POT HOLE', sounds like a good plan to us. Grab a bucket, some slag, and start filling. "The only you have to FEAR is FILL itself". I am not sure if it is legal to actually fill in pot holes, so please let us know if any legal charges are brought against any of those who 'opt to adopt'.
SMOKIN BAN...lots of mixed opinions. The government wants to keep those who work in public places safe from the harms of second hand smoke. The solution, start smoking, not much has really been said about '1st hand smoke' being bad for you, these days, as second hand smoke is now public enemy number one.
Next week we are talking about our great downtown area & more.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Minnows In The Tide
Monday, February 25, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
'monkeys and ducks'

From Monkeys to Ducks, Heather Gafellar was on hand to bring awareness to the local chapeter of 'Ducks Unlimited'. They are having a banquet at the rendevous March 8th to help raise funds to preserve our nations natural habitats. They meet at Diamond Dave's Tuesday nights for their meetings, all are welcome, except monkey enthusiasts and vegetarians.
The monkey lion will be back next week along with a premiere from two local filmakers.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Musca Tournament Time
Yes, it's tournament time. First up, make sure to sign up for the 'Pearl city disc Golf Tournament' that happens Sat. March 1st, 10am at Fuller Park. Entry is $15 by the 22nd and includes a free innova disc. register online at or 263-0241. Thanks to nick gow for visiting the studio with this exciting event.
Also, the 'nothing but net' 3 on 3 basketball tournament is happening march 8th at centeral gym. Marrisa Boldon of the Parks and rec came out to the show to help promote this first time event. The T-Time crew is even thinking about signing up. $40.00 for a team of 4, register online at or 263-0241.

---THIS JUST IN--- We have a new field correspondent to add to our cast list. The Muscatine 'MONKEY LION' was discovered under the high bridge, and we will be featuring a look at life from his unique perspective in upcoming episodes.
If you want to be on the show email me, or stop out and be a part of the studio audience each thurs. at 10am.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Episode #3
We arranged for a live Singing Valentine for MCC Co-Worker Katie Watson, then got down to the serious business of helping spread the word about this years 'Relay For Life" Cancer fundraiser.
Next week will be our Sweetheart's Special. Plus we will welcome Nick Gow and Marissa Boldon who will be speaking about two upcoming tournaments: A disc golf tournament and 3 on 3 basketball tournament.
Friday, February 1, 2008
T-Dog Valentine Update

T-Dog is out on the hunt for the best place in Muscatine to "pick up chics".
T-Dog will be out this weekend at all of the obvious places like MuscaBus, Circle K, Wal-Mart, the PlaMor Lanes and so many others. Stay on the look-out!
Where do YOU think the best places are in Muscatine to pick up "chics"?
Thursday, January 31, 2008
2nd Gallon of Tea
Next week we are gearing up for valentine's day, featuring T-Dogg's Top 'Ten Places in Muscatine to Meet Chics' rundown. If you don't have a date for Vday yet, you will want to tune in and learn from the master himself. Special guests include promoters of the 'Relay for Life' Cancer fundraiser, and singing valentine's from the heartland harmony barbershop quartet.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Episode #2

Friday, January 25, 2008
Chad skYbox
If this happens, I hope we get a coach that can rally the kids and continue the Muskie's status as a top contender in the MAC. There's alot of talent on this 2008 Muskie team!
In my opinion Sauser has done a lot to make the Muskie's one of the more feared teams in the state of Iowa. I believe Coach Sauser will have his spot in the Muskie Hall of Fame.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
First Gallon of Tea is down the hatch
We visited with Marie Press and talked about the Pearl City Players. This is a new group that produces drama productions and mentors those new to the art of theater. They are looking for actors, set designers, customers, directors, etc. Maybe you can get involved. Also, Muscatine! The Musical DVD's are on sale, more info to come, but contact Marie Press for info.
The NEW MUSCATINE ZOO? Monkeys, birds, snakes, elephants, oh yeah...oops, they are going to be bushes, not the real deal. Still I think that is a great idea, and the expense of running an actual Zoo would be a big undertaking. If you don't do it right, the animals suffer, and the monkey's will be flinging more of therir dissatisfaction at the visitors. So, yes, a garden that features bush's in the forms of zoo animals, why not. It will make a great park even better. And the expense of keeping bushes trimmed isn't nearly what it would be to feed and care for live animals. What do you think?
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Get out you Tea cups... It's Time
Friday, January 11, 2008
Welcome to the 2008 Season
As always, you will be invited to participate!!! New this season, you have more options to become a part of the show. You can either call-in to the LIVE broadcast, post comments and vote on this blog, or be a member of the studio audience. The studio has doubled in size, so there is room for an audience. And, if you are brave, you can even have some of the infamous 'Tea' that me and Chad Yocom have been swilling on throughout the years of producing this show

This just in!!! Musca-Bus will be offering a FREE SHUTTLE ride from City Hall at 9:45am. So hop in the 'T-Time Shuttle' and be a member of the studio audience.
Also - Dean Wellman has agreed to supply us with music videos from his 'Exploration Iowa' archives. We will feature one music video from a local artist each week.
Thanks for watching and check back to this site often for editorials, polls and contests, and don't forget to get involved by commenting to the posts.